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A Quick Trip home to Tassie!

Well we are back from spending 10 days in the north east area of Tasmania [or as Aussie's say - Tassie]. Anthony's family is from the town of George Town and this is where we have to go 'home''s such a chore! This area of Tasmania is beautiful. It is at the mouth of the Tamar River. So the location set on the River and the surrounding countryside is definitely worth adding to an itinerary for Tasmania. When we go home we always spend more time exploring this area. For Anthony, having spent 40 years of his life there, it can still be a place of new discoveries. For me, this was only my second visit back. There is so much to do - wineries, penguin tours, lighthouses, historical buildings, historical cemeteries and kilometers of gorgeous coastline.

While Tasmania is very much cooler than Central Queensland, where we live, this past week it turned on some amazing December weather for us. We always pack for four seasons but it was not needed this year. Last year when we went home at this time it was very cold. This time we were blessed with mid 20s for most days. We spent two days in Launceston and then seven days in George Town. Among the family and friends catch ups we discovered some amazing aspects of this region of Tasmania and I will spend some time sharing them with you.

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